
I Unlock Efficiency with Custom Solutions for Your Workflows

Hi, I’m Arif, a software engineer based in Malaysia. My passion is helping people work smarter, not harder, by leveraging technology to streamline their daily tasks.While I’m fortunate to work full-time in a career I love, I’ve always felt the desire for more flexibility—choosing the projects I work on or the technology I use. That’s why, outside of my job, I’ve spent years helping friends improve their businesses through custom software solutions, troubleshooting, and even hardware integration.Now, I’m shifting my focus to helping professionals like you—teachers, office administrators, financial workers, and anyone who spends their day using computers. If you find yourself bogged down by inefficient systems or repetitive tasks in programs like Excel or other office software, I can help.Let me take a look at your biggest challenges when working with your computer, and I’ll suggest a solution that could save you time and reduce frustration.Don’t hesitate—reach out today and let’s explore how we can make your workday smoother and more productive.


I work a lot with Microsoft Excel in at least 2 of my previous jobs. Needless to say it was enough to motivate me to start this effort of helping office worker with their spreadsheets.During my first job, it was in a telco industry where I was dealing with thousands of row of either phone numbers or telco transactions everyday. It was the beginning of me starting to memorize shortcut keys to be efficient and allow me to leave work on time. Although we had systems but there are things that are just so variable that can't be implemented on it and had to be operated manually via spreadsheets and SQL scripts.On my 2nd job, it was in a hospital headquarters with more than 15 branches. I was involved in a reconciliation project where we had to analyze discrepancy of bill charges between systems that not even the vendor willing to do. Due to the amount of data involved, the workload had to be spread across many of our technical resources which is not actually a cost effective tasks for them to do. I then develop pipelines and automation to execute the long running processes of cleaning, matching and analysis of the data for the same reason, to save my colleagues time so they can do other things that matter most and for all of us to be able to go home on time.I also had a short stint in an ERP vendor environment where I had performed a customization on the client end where we had to create a way they can integrate their external Microsoft Access data into our ERP due to the ERP is not really as complete as people thought they should be.All of those teach me that there is always a gap between what the final deliverables actually are and what the company's official system can provide. And in the end the employee with the spreadsheets are the one that suffer the most due to the laborious manual work they are forced to perform.I hope with my this little experience and small effort, a lot more Malaysian workers can have the same advantage as me and go home on time too.


I had built so many systems and solutions over the years. The one highlighted here are the most memorable, impactful and am proud of. The joy of my creations which were built with sweat and tears, being actively used and keep on giving benefit to society is just priceless.Do email me if you keen to know more on any of the projects.


Sistem bernama SMATCD ini di bina dengan hanya menggunakan Microsoft Access dan Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Selain bertindak sebagai pangkalan data dan antara muka untuk pengguna mengurus dan memantau maklumat pelesen cukai dan penghantaran penyata, sistem ini juga di lengkapi dengan fungsi penjanaan laporan secara automatik. Sebelum sistem ini wujud, surat-surat rasmi di taip di dalam Microsoft Word secara manual untuk setiap pelesen. Selepas sistem ini di laksana, pengguna hanya perlu memilih pelesen mana yang hendak di janakan suratnya dan jana surat dengan satu klik sahaja. Waktu yang di perlukan untuk mengeluarkan surat rasmi telah di kurangkan sebanyak 90%!Sistem ini tidak lagi digunakan sekarang kerana kerajaan telah mempunyai sistem pangkalan data rasmi yang pelaksanaannya adalah di seluruh negara dan beberapa fungsi sistem saya juga tidak lagi relevan kerana proses percukaian yang telah berubah seiring dengan peredaran zaman (GST).


Selepas sistem pangkalan data rasmi pelesen berjaya di laksanakan oleh kerajaan, sistem yang saya bina dahulu tidak lagi relevan. Namun sistem pangkalan data rasmi ini masih mempunyai kekurangan. Untuk memantau pelesen cukai, sistem hanya memberikan fungsi janaan laporan yang boleh di buat turun dalam bentuk fail Excel. Namun kandungan fail tersebut masih perlu di analisa untuk menjana laporan-laporan harian dan bulanan yang diperlukan bagi menyusun tindakan pemantauan lanjut sekiranya ada. Manipulasi dan analisis Excel secara manual adalah terdedah kepada risiko ralat manusia dan masa yang di gunakan juga menjadi tidak produktif.Maka terwujudlah sistem MyITD ini. Fungsinya adalah untuk memuat naik fail Excel daripada sistem rasmi kerajaan tersebut dan menjana pelbagai laporan dan paparan muka yang membolehkan pegawai kerajaan mendapat gambaran tentang situasi sebenar penghantararan penyata pelesen cukai, lalu menyusun langkah seterusnya dengan lebih pantas dan tuntas.


Adik saya menjalankan perkhidmatan terapi cara kerja untuk kanak-kanak istimewa. Sewaktu beliau bermula, tiada sistem dan setiap rekod adalah di dalam fail kertas dan folder komputer. Walaupun maklumat wujud di dalam komputer namun tidak tersusun dan sukar membuat rujukan. Pertindihan temujanji, jadual penggunaan bilik terapi tidak optimum dan ketidakpastian pengiraan waktu jam kerja adalah antara kerumitan yang di tempuhi selepas jumlah pelanggan pusat terapi beliau bertambah.Maka saya telah bina sistem ini atas permintaan beliau untuk membantu pusat terapi tersebut mengurus penyimpanan maklumat secara teratur dan tersusun di satu tempat yang utama, dan seterusnya dapat mengurus penggunaan bilik terapi yang optimum dan memantau jam kerja para juruterapi yang bekerja di pusat tersebut.

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